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October 13th

October 13th is the 286th day of the year (287th day in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 79 days remaining until the end of the year.

On this page, we have placed information about October 13th, including famous people born on, historical events that occurred on, holidays and observances that fall on, and astrological connections of, this day.
Famous People born on October 13th

1925 Margaret Thatcher (British Prime Minster)

Margaret Thatcher

1925 Lenny Bruce (comedian)

1934 Nan Mouskouri (singer)

1938 Hugo Young (journalist)

1941 Paul Simon (singer)

Paul Simon

1946 Edwina Curry (British politician)

1947 Sammy Hagar (singer - Van Halen)

1959 Marie Osmond (singer)

1962 Kelly Preston(actress)

1964 Christopher Judge (actor)

1967 Kate Walsh(actress)

1969 Nancy Kerrigan (figure skater)

Nancy Kerrigan

1971 Sacha Baron Cohen (comedian - Ali G., Borat, Bruno)

1979 Wes Brown (soccer player)

1980 Scott Parker (soccer player)

1980 Ashanti (singer)

1982 Ian Thorpe (swimmer)

1986 Gabriel Agbonlahor (soccer player)

October 13th in History

54 Roman Emperor Claudius is poisoned. His nephew Nero succeeds him.

1307 Hundreds of members of the Knights Templar are arrested in France.

1773 Charles Messier discovers the Whirlpool Galaxy.

1775 Establishment of the Continental Navy (later known as the "US Navy").

1792 The cornerstone of the Executive Mansion (today known as the "White House") was laid.

1884 Greenwich in London is established as the Universal Time meridian of longitude.

1923 Ankara replaces Constantinople as the capital of Turkey.

1943 Former Axis member Italy joins the Allies, and declares war on Germany.

1958 Fictional character Paddington Bear debuts.

1962 Robert+Herjavec (businessman - Shark Tank)

1983 Ameritech Mobile Communications (now Cingular) launches the first US cellular telephone network in Chicago.

October 13th is also

John Peel Day


People born on October 13th are Libra


Libra Information: Libra Links:

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Disclaimer: Birth dates and other information are thought to be correct, but there is a possibility that some entries may contain inadvert errors. If you spot such an error, please contact us. Sorry, we can not accept suggestions for additional entries at this time, due to the huge backlog of suggestions we have already received.




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