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July 1st

July 1st is the 182nd day of the year (183rd day in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 183 days remaining until the end of the year.

On this page, we have placed information about July 1sr, including famous people born on, historical events that occurred on, holidays and observances that fall on, and astrological connections of, this day.
Famous People born on July 1st

1646 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (mathematician)

1827 Louis Blériot (aviator - made first heavier-than-air aicraft flight across the English Channel, in 1909)

1906 Estée Lauder (cosmetics entrepreneur)

1916 Olivia DeHavilland (actress)

1945 Deborah Harry (singer - Blondie, actress)

Deborah Harry

1952 Dan Aykroyd (comedian, actor)

Dan Aykroyd

1961 Princess Diana (British royal)

Lady Diana

1961 Carl Lewis (athlete)

1967 Pamela Anderson (model, actress)

1977 Liv Tyler (actress)

July 1st in History

1863 Battle of Gettysburg begins.

1867 British North America Act, creates the Canadian Confederation

1874 Philadelphia Zoo, the first zoo in the United States, opens.

1908 SOS becomes the standard radio distress symbol.

1921 Chinese Communist Party founded.

1960 Independent Somalia formed from ex-British and ex-Italian protectorates.

1962 Rwanda becomes independent from Belgium.

1962 Burundi becomes independent from Belgium.

1967 American Samoa adopts a new constitution, and becomes self-governing.

1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty established.

1991 Warsaw Pact officially dissolved.

2013 Croatia joins the European Union.

European Flag

July 1st is also

Canada Day (Canada) - Celebrates the creation of the Dominion of Canada by the British North America Act on 1st July 1867.

Canada Day


People born on July 1st are Cancer


Cancer Information: Cancer Links:

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Disclaimer: Birth dates and other information are thought to be correct, but there is a possibility that some entries may contain inadvert errors. If you spot such an error, please contact us. Sorry, we can not accept suggestions for additional entries at this time, due to the huge backlog of suggestions we have already received.




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