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February 13th

February 13th is the 44th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 321 days remaining until the end of the year (322 days in leap years).

On this page, we have placed information about February 13th, including famous people born on, historical events that occurred on, holidays and observances that fall on, and astrological connections of, this day.
Famous People born on February 13th

1849 Lord Randolph Churchill (British politician)

1888 Georgios Papandreou (Prime Minister of Greece, 1944-1945, 1963, 1964-1965)

1910 William Shockley (physicist, inventor)

1913 King Khalid (King of Saudi Arabia 1975-1982)

1915 Aung San (Burmese General and politician)

1922 Francis Pym (British politician)

1923 Chuck Yeager (aviator - made first piloted flight faster than sound)

1933 Kim Novak (actress)

1934 George Segal (actor)

1938 Oliver Reed (actor)

1944 Jerry Springer (TV presenter, actor, mayor of Cincinnati 1977-1978)

1944 Stockard Channing (actress)

1945 Simon Schama (historian, art historian)

1950 Vera Baird (British politician, lawyer)

1950 Peter Gabriel (singer)

1950 Bob Daisley (bass player, musician - Rainbow)

1956 Liam Brady (soccer player)

1962 Hugh Dennis (actor, comedian)

1974 Robbie Williams (singer - Take That)

1975 Katie Hopkins (media personality)

1976 Feist (singer - Broken Social Scene)

1979 Anders Breivik (murderer)

February 13th in History

1322 Central tower of Ely Cathedral in England collapses.

1542 Henry VIII's fifth wife, Catherine Howard, is executed for adultery.

Henry VIII

1633 Galileo Galilei arrives in Rome for his trial.

1668 Spain recognizes Portugal as an independent nation.

1815 Cambridge Union Society founded.

1880 Thomas Alva Edison observes thermionic emission of electrons.

Thomas Edison

1931 New Delhi becomes the capital of India.

1945 Royal Air Force begins bombing of Dresden, Germany.

1960 France tests its first atom bomb.

Atomic Bomb

1984 Konstantin Chernenko becomes leader of the USSR.

1996 Pop group Take That announce that they are to split.

2000 Last original Peanuts comic strip appears one day after the death of Charles Schulz.

2012 European Space Agency (ESA) conducts first launch of the Vega rocket.

February 13th is also

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People born on February 13th are Aquarius


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Disclaimer: Birth dates and other information are thought to be correct, but there is a possibility that some entries may contain inadvert errors. If you spot such an error, please contact us. Sorry, we can not accept suggestions for additional entries at this time, due to the huge backlog of suggestions we have already received.




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